Sukkot Treasure Hunt. By Allison Ofanansky - Ages 3-8 - Grades PreK - 2
SKU 978-0-8225-8763-7
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"Illustrated by: Eliyahu Alpern
Ages 3-8
In Israel, before the holiday of Sukkot, instead of buying a lulav and etrog, Aravah and her family set out to find their own in the hills and valleys surrounding their home near Tzefat
Hardcover, 32 Pages
Dimensions 9 x 9 inches
Publisher: Kar-Ben, 2009
Reinforced Binding"
Ages 3-8
In Israel, before the holiday of Sukkot, instead of buying a lulav and etrog, Aravah and her family set out to find their own in the hills and valleys surrounding their home near Tzefat
Hardcover, 32 Pages
Dimensions 9 x 9 inches
Publisher: Kar-Ben, 2009
Reinforced Binding"