Book of Tehillim / Psalms Hebrew - Russian - Pocket MINI Size
SKU Psalms-Rus
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Hebrew - Russian
Kniga Psalmov
Kniga Psalmov
маленький размер
3 1/4 x 2 5/8 inches
One of the world's most popular books, the Book of Psalms, translated into Russian. The solace of reading individual psalms in time of need led to the creation of this tiny pocket edition in Russian and Hebrew. Can be taken anywhere. The book has a beautiful art cover of Jerusalem old city. This wonderful book comes with both the Hebrew and Japanese texts on opposite pages from each other, reads right to left from cover to cover. This Book of Psalms is small enough, you can take it anywhere you go, always having the Word of God with you! Very comforting and uplifting to the soul.