KASHRUS A Practical Guide (Dietary Laws). By Rabbi Sh. Wagschal
SKU 978-1-60763-043-2
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A newly revised and updated edition of Rabbi Wagschal's classic practical guide to kashrusRabbi Shaul Wagschal is a foremost halachic authority and the author of a number of popular halachic works. By presenting complex Jewish law in an organized, easy-to-follow style, Rabbi Wagschal equally addresses both the scholar and layperson. His books have enlightened and inspired the Jewish world for over half a century.
- Ways that food becomes treif (unkosher)
- Separation of milk and meat
Tevilah (immersing) and kashering utensils
- Checking for insects in food
- Pesach and chametz
- Separation of challah
- Food and non-Jews
Kashrus in cases of illness
- Recognizing when to confer with a rabbi about kashrus