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Aleppo Codex by Matti Friedman Russian Edition Кодекс Алеппо

SKU 978-5-9953-0285-8
Original price $24.95 - Original price $24.95
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Кодекс Алеппо Подлинная история о полной одержимости и веры погоне за оревней рукописью  Матти Фридман  Перед нами история уникальной еврейской Библии десятого века, которой пользовался сам Маймонид. Журналист "Ассошиэйтед пресс" Матти Фридман собрал множество документов и свидетельств очевидцев и выдвинул оригинальную версию того, что произошло с этим манускриптом, когда толпа погромщиков выбросила его из сожженной синагоги Алеппо и он обнаружился в только что образованном Государстве Израиль. Куда пропали сотни листов священного текста, имеющих огромную духовную и материальную ценность? Их уничтожили погромщики? Украли сотрудники иммиграционной службы Израиля? На эти и многие другие вопросы автор предлагает неожиданные ответы.

The Aleppo Codex



A thousand years ago, the most perfect copy of the Hebrew Bible was written. It was kept safe through one upheaval after another in the Middle East. By the 1940s it was housed in a dark grotto in Aleppo, Syria, and had become known around the world as the Aleppo Codex.

Matti Friedman's true-life detective story traces how this precious manuscript was smuggled from its hiding place in Syria into the newly founded state of Israel—and how and why many of its most sacred and valuable pages went missing. It's a tale that involves secret agents, pious clergymen, obsessive antiquities collectors, and highly placed national figures who, as it turns out, would do anything to get their hands on an ancient book. What it reveals are uncomfortable truths about greed, state cover-ups, and the fascinating role of historical treasures in creating a national identity.

Friedman has unearthed documents kept secret for fifty years, interviewed key players from around the world, and followed the trail of the missing pages up to the present, including the charged four-year court battle to determine the codex's rightful owners. Friedman also takes us back in time, revealing the once vibrant Jewish communities in Islamic lands. Epic in its sweep, The Aleppo Codex features a fascinating cast of characters—all of whom claim the codex as their own.

The Aleppo Codex is published in the U.S. by Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill; in Australia by Scribe; in Israel by Kinneret Zmora-Bitan Dvir; in the Czech Republic by Pistorius; in Germany by Verlag Herder; in Holland by Lannoo; in Russia by Text; in France by Albin Michel; and in Korea by Gloseum.