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L'Shon HaTorah - Bet - Beginners Workbook - Rabbi Yehuda Winder Hebrew Workbook 2

SKU 978-1888525014
Original price $19.95 - Original price $19.95
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L'shon Hatorah Hebrew workbook Bet by Rabbi Yehuda Winder - לשון התורה חלק ב Workbook ב teaches the possessive and object suffixes in seven units 
Unit I reviews the material taught in Workbook א 
Units II - VII present the possessive and object suffixes in families. 
Each unit builds upon the previous unit(s). 
Continues to build basic תנ״ך vocabulary of nouns Recommended for elementary grades 2 - 5 
The L'shon Hatorah series is designed to aid in the teaching of the fundamentals of Hebrew Grammar and basic vocabulary. 
The goal of these workbooks is for the student to develop the requisite skills necessary to be able to translate with accuracy and fluency. 
By familiarizing the student with the meanings of the prefixes and suffixes found in most Hebrew words, he will be able to decipher even the most complex words within a relatively short period of time. 
Learning all of the various prefixes and suffixes can be overwhelming! 
L'shon Hatorah simplifies this task by employing a concise formalization of all the prefixes and suffixes in a systematic step by step method that will make both the teaching and the learning easier and more enjoyable.